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Senior Lecturer / Lecturer I / Lecturer II position at the Society Hub of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
Sun Yat-sen University, founded by Dr. Sun Yat-sen and with an educational tradition spanning over 100 years, is a preeminent research, academic an...
Soochow University is an equal opportunity employer and warmly welcomes applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds.
The Finance Department at Old Dominion University invites candidates with a strong research record to teach corporate finance both face to face/online
Lingnan University is one of the eight publicly funded institutions in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and has the longest esta...
We are looking to recruit a Research Assistant/Associate to work at the Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance (CERF)
We are looking to recruit a Research Assistant/Associate to work at the Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance (CERF).
Description This position is open to highly accomplished senior scholars with research and teaching interests in any area within the field of finan...
The Ivey Business School at Western University invites applications for one faculty position in Finance for a Probationary (tenure-track) appointment
The Ivey Business School at Western University invites applications for a probationary Teaching Scholar (TS) appointment in Finance
Sabanci Business School in Istanbul is inviting applications for full-time and visiting positions in Finance.
Recruiting High End Talents/Full Professor or Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/Postdoctoral Fellow.
Planet Reimagined is hiring a diverse team to implement the Common Grounds initiative. Common Grounds seeks to develop co-located renewable energy ...
LINGNAN-60 GLOBAL TALENT RECRUITMENT Chair Professor / Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor (Post Ref.: 24/999/AFA) Lingnan Univer...
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, School of Finance, Faculty Positions in Finance at All Ranks( assistant, associate and full professor)
The candidate will teach financial econometrics, advanced quantitative finance courses introductory and intermediate micro and/or macro economics..